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Week 4 Chapter 12 Assignment

Week 4 Chapter 12 Assignment

Q 1. What did the court mean when it said that “negligent hiring and negligent retention are based on direct, not vicarious, liability”?

Q 2. Why did the court reject the negligent supervision claim?3. Why did the court reject the negligent hiring claim?4. Why did the court allow the negligent retention issue to go to trial?

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Law Term: Some of the legal terms in this case are; reasonable care, summary judgment, negligent hiring, first degree murder, Life imprisonment. From the range of law terms, I would like to define “Negligent Hiring”. It is usually a kind of claim that has been made by the injured party against an employer and the process is completely based on the theory that the employer must be knowing from beforehand or might have known about the employer’s background that it demonstrates a very perilous and deceitful character of the person (Yunker v. Honeywell, Inc., 1993). It is something based on this theory that the employer knew or should have known about the employer’s background that it is harmful.